Tuesday 23 April 2019

Yoga Exercise for Back Pain

Easy Yoga Asanas Can Help You Ease Your Lower Back Pain :

The word “yoga” essentially means, “that which brings you to reality”. Literally, it means “union.” Union means it brings you to the ultimate reality, where individual manifestations of life are surface bubbles in the process of creation. Right now, a coconut tree and a mango tree have popped up from the same earth. From the same earth, the human body and so many creatures have popped up. It is the same earth.

The lower back, or the lumbar region, can be an area that often gets sensitive for most of us at some point in our lives. Whether we have to sit a lot during the day, or whether we move a lot, the lumbar region can get affected. In any case, pain in the lower back can seriously affect your mood and your day.

Here are few yoga to ease lower back pain.


Bhujangasana is also famous as a cobra pose in yoga. Bhujangasana is an excellent exercise for those suffering from a stomach disorder, spinal cord problem, back pain, respiratory disorder and obesity (weight gain).

  1. Lie down on your stomach and feel relax.
  2. Stretch and joint the legs. So that knees of both the leg touches each other.
  3. Place the palm near the chest facing the ground. Keep in mind that elbow should be straight.
  4. Take a deep breath and lift your upper body like head, neck, shoulders, chest upwards as shown in the above image. In this position your all weights of the upper body will come on your hands and thighs.
  5. In bhujangasana your inhaling and exhaling plays an important role.
  6. So now try to move your head back as much as you can.
  7. Stretch as much as you can but don’t overdo or overstrain.
  8. Hold your breath for some time in this position.
  9. Now exhale slowly and bring your stomach, chest, shoulder and head to the ground.
  10. Repeat this cycle  for 4-5 times daily.
Supine Twist

A twist to the spine offers a great tension reliever for the entire back, as well as the neck. You get to lay down, relax and let the gravity help you.Lay on your back, bring your arms to a T-shape on the floor, and bring your knees towards your chest. Slowly lower both knees to the left, keeping the neck neutral or turning the gaze away from the knees.Try to keep both shoulders on the floor, and if the top knee lifts too much, you can place a block or a bolster between the knees. Stay anywhere between 1-4 minutes, and repeat on the other side.


The Sphinx is a great pose for toning the spine and stimulating the sacral-lumbar arch. When we sit a lot, the lower back tends to flatten, which can cause pain. Sphinx pose promotes the natural curvature of the lower back. Start by laying on your stomach, feet hip-width apart, and bring the elbows under the shoulders. If there is too much pressure on your lower back, you can bring your elbows slightly forward. If you want a deeper bend, place a block under the elbows. Hold the pose for 1-3 minutes, and come out by first lowering your upper body on to the floor. Relax on the floor as long as needed, and then come to a child pose for few breaths.

Downward Facing Dog

Downward Facing Dog is a great pose for lengthening and decompressing the entire spine. It stretches the hamstrings as well, which will also help with lower back issues. From your hands and knees, tuck your toes under and rise to Downward Facing Dog. Start with your knees bent, back straight and long, tailbone towards the ceiling. Slowly straighten and stretch one leg at a time back bringing the heel closer towards the ground. Draw the shoulder blades towards the spine and actively try to lower them, rotating your upper arms outwards. Stay for 5 breaths.

"Yoga means to move towards an experiential reality where one knows the ultimate nature of the existence, the way it is made."

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