Friday 8 December 2017

Ursodiol (Ursodeoxycholic acid)

The drug reduces cholesterol absorption and is used to dissolve (cholesterol) gallstones in patients who want an alternative to surgery.

Ursodiol (also known as ursodeoxycholic acid) is one of the secondary bile acids, which are metabolic byproducts of intestinal bacteria. Primary bile acids are produced by the liver and stored in the gall bladder. When secreted into the colon, primary bile acids can be metabolized into secondary bile acids by intestinal bacteria. Primary and secondary bile acids help the body digest fats. Ursodeoxycholic acid helps regulate cholesterol by reducing the rate at which the intestine absorbs cholesterol molecules while breaking up micelles containing cholesterol. Because of this property, ursodeoxycholic acid is used to treat gall stones non-surgically.

Ursodeoxycholic acid reduces elevated liver enzyme levels by facilitating bile flow through the liver and protecting liver cells. The main mechanism if anticholelithic. Although the exact process of ursodiol’s anticholelithic action is not completely understood, it is thought that the drug is concentrated in bile and decreases biliary cholesterol by suppressing hepatic synthesis and secretion of cholesterol and by inhibiting its intestinal absorption. The reduced cholesterol saturation permits the gradual solubilization of cholesterol from gallstones, resulting in their eventual dissolution.

Thursday 16 November 2017

How To Cure Back Pain Naturally

Most people complain about suffering from lower back pain and assume that a bit of stretching and exercising will help. Drifting away from the traditional treatments, here are six remedies that can relieve one from lower back pain and are almost every time, overlooked by us.

Restorative Sleep: You would be surprised to know that your insomnia is not caused by a troubled mind, but a troubled body. It has been found that of all medical conditions, pain is the number one cause of insomnia with approximately two-thirds of patients suffering from back pain induced sleep disorders. It is therefore, important that both the sleep problems and pain be treated. Your sleep problem can be treated in numerous ways, such as through medication, relaxation techniques and other behavioral and psychological techniques. A combination of these techniques may at sometimes, work the best.

Exercise the Abdominal area: The reason why most people have a weak back and inflated abdominal area is because unlike the major arm and leg muscles, the core muscles of the body which are the abdominal and back muscles are not used much during  daily activities and they therefore, lose strength with time. They must hence, be exercised or else the lower back will have to bear more pressure.

Release the Inner Endorphins: The body’s natural pain relievers are known as endorphins and  can be as strong as many of the strongest pain relievers. These chemicals are released upon getting signals from the brain.  Endorphins will also help you to alleviate anxiety, stress and depression; these conditions are often responsible for back problems.

Use Ice and Heat: Cold and hot pack can treat your back pain some of the benefits of which are:

Ice application: Back pain can also be healed with the help of an ice pack as it is always accompanied by some form of inflammation. Besides, ice acts as a local anesthetic that interrupts the pain-spasm reactions between the nerves in the affected area by slowing the nerve impulses.

Heat Application: There are two benefits of applying heat to the affected area. First, it helps the blood to circulate around the affected area and second, it inhibits the pain signals that are being sent to the brain.

Stretch the Hamstrings: Stretching hamstrings twice daily is a good way to relieve lower back pain. Tight hamstrings put more stress on the lower back and sacroiliac joint, making stretching  more painful. So, if you have tight hamstrings, make sure you stretch them under the supervision of a trainer or doctor. Remember to stretch the hamstrings twice daily for effective results.

Let your Brain Work: It has been observed by pain specialists that pain is more complicated than just a sensation just like vision. Much of the pain depends on how the brain processes the pain signals. So, you will need to develop skills that will help your brain control the pain signals.

Friday 10 November 2017

How To Treat Split Ends And Damaged Hair

Home Remedies for Split Ends :

You get split ends when your hair lack moisture or don’t get enough hydration that they need. The reasons behind dry of hair are poor diet, sun exposure, harsh shampoos, blow drying, straightening, dyes, bleaches and pollution. There are several things that you can do to repair or prevent the roughed-up ends of your hair. Take a look at the seven easy options.

Trim your hair
The easiest way to get rid of split ends is trimming (cutting them off). You can either do it yourself or go to a professional salon. You need to cut them from the tips of your hair, at the point where the divide occurs.

Deep Conditioning
Since dryness is what leads to split ends, it is important to deep condition your hair. This moisturises your strands, helps them maintain flexibility and natural bounce/volume. Apply a deep conditioning treatment directly to your hair and scalp. Let it rest for at least 20 minutes before you rinse the conditioner out thoroughly with water. You can use the following conditioning recipes to nourish your hair.

a. Egg yolk and almond oil remedy
You need to combine one egg yolk with a tablespoon of almond oil. Apply the mixture to your scalp and let it rest for at least 30 minutes. Wash it out with cold water.

b. Avocado mask
You don’t need to eat an avocado to repair split ends but mash up. Apply mashed avocado to your damp hair after you wash them. Mayonnaise is an alternative to avocado which can be used in the same way. Leave the avocado or mayo on your hair for about 30 minutes before you wash it out.

Up folic acid and biotin intake
Nutrients are the life of your hair strands, particularly folic acid and biotin have been shown to supplement hair health, length and thickness. Foods rich in folic acid, such as green leafy veggies, oranges, soybeans and wheat, assist the production of red blood cells that boost the growth of hair. Likewise, include brown rice, soybeans, lentils, peas, walnuts and other biotin foods to strengthen your hair from the inside.
Oil massage
You can get rid of the split ends by giving yourself an olive oil massage. The massage helps stimulate the scalp, produce natural oils and nourish hair shaft. Massaging with coconut or sesame oil also helps get rid of split ends.

Honey rinse
Honey may sound sticky, but it is an effective conditioner. Add 1 tablespoon of honey in a cup of warm water. Apply it to your hair after you shampoo, leave it for 20 minutes before you wash hair with warm water. This will help repair split ends besides controlling hair dryness.

"If you want to stop split ends before they start, you have an option to maintain your hair regularly. You need to keep up on your hair trimming schedule, once a month. You don’t need to cut off any hair length, but only the tips. This will keep your hair healthy and prevent split ends from appearing."

Monday 3 July 2017

A few principles which will help you stay on Weight loss track.

Stay away from your trigger foods

It may be challenging since you have probably been looking forward to indulging again but before you make a mistake, consider the possible consequences. It is simply not worth it. If you know you’re not able to just eat 1 square of chocolate but rather it will lead to a binge.
Weight yourself regularly.
Don’t let yourself fall into denial, if you gain you must know and immediately do something about it. The longer you don’t weigh yourself the more you can possibly gain and not know. It may seem like ‘just a few days’ but it really isn’t worth it. It’s not just about the pound or two, it’s about not falling into your old habits!
Observe your body
Reintroduce foods one at a time. It will enable you to observe any intolerances, sensitivities or weight gain triggers. For example, eat a dairy product watch your body for a few days then add a wheat product. If you see bread or milk causing bloating, weight gain or cravings, stay away from those or eat them rarely.