Wednesday 28 March 2018

Healthy Diet From HCG

Healthy Diet

Today, the foods that we get are more worse filled with chemicals and pesticides. This leads to the rising of diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart attack, liver and kidney problems. Heart disease and stroke are the major causes of death among women. So, it's really important that you keep your heart healthy by eating right, watching your weight, not indulge in smoking and lower your stress levels

To maintain your heart functioning properly, you need to change your diet by eating clean. Eating clean mainly focuses on eating whole and fresh foods that will make you achieve good health, optimal fitness, and culinary satisfaction. To help clean up your diet for a healthier heart. Here are the ways to do it, have a look.

Make Homemade Granola

Processed foods are filled with added sugar and salt, which is mostly found in breakfast cereals. Granola is a fantastic option, the addition of oats are a great source of fibre, which can help to reduce the bad cholesterol. You can team it up with coconut flakes, almonds or blueberries, which are heart healthy.

Get High On Omega-3

Adding omega-3 fatty acids in your diet will reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by 25 percent. Incorporate anti-inflammatory foods like flax seeds, hemp seeds and canola oil. And boost your omega-3 fatty acids by consuming cold water fish like mackerel, salmon, etc.

Thursday 22 March 2018


Corion (High Purity Hcg) Information

HCG is a hormone that is naturally produced by the female placenta during a normal pregnancy. This medicine’s action is highly similar to luteinizing hormone (LH), because this hormone is known to be able to cause ovulation. If it is combined with other medicines and drugs, Corion (High Purity Hcg) is highly effective in helping female patients become pregnant. This drug can also help males patients that are suffering from fertility issues (a treatment with this medicine usually enables such cases to produce a higher amount of testosterone).

Corion (High Purity Hcg) is a popular medicine that is regularly prescribed to female patients as part of a regimen that is supposed to induce: Ovulation induction in subfertility that is usually triggered by impaired follicle-ripening or by anovulation. – Luteal phase support. Follicle preparation for puncture in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation programs (this usually occurs in the case of medically assisted reproductive methods and techniques).

Corion (High Purity Hcg) is a medicine that is regularly prescribed to male patients because of its ability to induce Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. – Some patients who were suffering from idiopathic dysspermias have positively responded to a treatment with this medicine.Delayed puberty which is regularly associated with an insufficient function of the gonadotrophic pituitary glands. – Cryptorchidism, (not the one that is triggered by an abnormal anatomical obstruction).

Thursday 15 March 2018

Hair Loss

Hair is a very crucial part of our identity. The hair originates from the hair follicles residing in the deeper skin tissues. Hair provides protection against heat and UV radiation. Nostril hair regulates the temperature of inhaled air. Hair present on the skin performs sensory functions such as touch. Eyebrows and eyelashes act as a filtering agent that keeps away the dust and foreign particles. The average rate of hair growth is half inches in a month. The peak time of hair growth is at the age of 15 to 30 years, and then its growth deteriorates by the age of 40 years and completely lost by 50 years. Losing 50 to 100 hairs every day is considered normal. Any increase beyond this limit can be stated as Alopecia.

Alopecia is a condition in which there is tremendous hair loss resulting in patched or complete baldness. It can occur due to numerous causes. Hair loss can have a devastating impact on an individual’s self-esteem. There are some measures in the market that help in the growth of hair. There are some drug therapies, surgical treatments and non-drug methods that can improve your hair growth.

There are various factors that cause loss of hair such as hormonal changes in body, side effects of certain medicines, genetic history and other disease conditions like chicken pox. Sudden, unexpected shock or psychological stress can also lead to thinning of hairs that eventually sheds off.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Bella Skin Hair & Nails with Biotin 3000

Unlock your inner beauty with Naturalle! You don’t have to buy the most expensive cream or lotion to be beautiful. Our delicious supplement offers 4x the antioxidant vitamins E & C, 2x the biotin, and twelve essential nutrients to support healthy nails, luxurious hair and an amazing skin.

Want to look good and feel even better?

Naturalle Hair, Skin & Nails formula is here for you. You are sure to get vibrant skin, strong nails and lustrous hair thanks to the right balance of nutrients in this innovative formula. It offers the body the support it needs by offering vital nutrients capable of enhancing your metabolism and the presence of biotin helps keep the hair in great condition. Vitamins C and E are antioxidants and while Vitamin C is involved in collagen production, which keeps the skin vibrant, Vitamin E contributes to skin health.

- 4x the antioxidant vitamins E & C, 2x the biotin, and twelve essential nutrients to support healthy nails, luxurious hair and an amazing skin.
- Combines vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients for healthy hair, skin and nails
- Excellent source of Vitamins A, B-6, B-12 & D
- Supports luxurious hair, gorgeous skin & healthy nails

Take control of your hair, skin and nails today.